Sunday, July 24, 2016

Vacation 2016 - Day 11

Vacation 2016 - Day 11 - 7/24/2016

In the morning, we had our last breakfast on the Lofn, disembarked and went out to the hotel to check in.

Spent the morning walking and shopping throughout the area.

Ended up for lunch at the Brouwerij de Prael - Oudezijds Voorburgwal 30. They had actually moved, and their previous location is a now beer store, operated by them I believe.

Had a delicious lunch and tried fights of the
Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Weizen   |   Ale, wheat, Hefeweizen  |   5.4%   |   [7.0]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Bitterblonde   |   Ale, Blonde   |   5.7%   |   [9.8]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Willeke Tripel   |   Ale, Belgian Tripel style   |   7.5%   |   [6.5]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   I.P.A. English   |   Ale, IPA, English   |   6.5%   |   [8.0]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Andre   |   Lager, Bock, Maibock   |   6.6%   |   [7.0]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Doe Marr   |   Ale, Scotch   |   7.7%   |   [7.0]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   Mary   |   Ale, Barleywine, American   |   9.7%   |   [6.8]

Prael, Brouwerij De   |   D.I.P.A   |   Ale, IPA, Imperial   |   9.0%   |   [7.5]

Did some more shopping then went back to the hotel. My plan was to stop in at a namesake bar, then dinner. The bar - Café Belgique - was where the name Club Belgique came from, as a beer club. Mica was a wonderful host, and the place was unchanged from years ago.

Café Belgique - Gravenstraat 2, 1012 NM (did buy a shirt)

Musketeers Musketiers   |   Jack's Precious IPA   |   Ale, IPA, American   |   5.9%   |   [7.5]  
                                                                                                      (Beer #7,200)  

Stockhove   |   Waardamse Dubbel   |   Ale, Belgian Dubbel   |   7%   |   [9.6]  

Stockhove   |   Waardamse Tripel   |   Ale, Belgian Tripel   |   8.5%   |   [9.6]  

Gulden Spoor   |   Spijker Blonde   |   Ale, Belgian Blonde   |   6.2%   |   [8.0] 

Scheldebrouwerij   |   Zeezuiper   |   Ale, Belgian Tripel   |   8.0%   |   [9.5] 

Had dinner at the Eastwood restaurant, right at the DoubleTree Centraal Station. 

The food was very good, with a decent beer selection.
T'IJ Brouwerij   |   Natte   |   Ale, Belgian Dubbel Style   |   6.5%   |   [8.8]

Jopen   |   Jacobs RPA   |   Ale, IPA, Rye   |   5.5%   |   [8.0]

Watched the city for a bit before going to bed. 

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